Our conference team is made up of design professionals with a sincere passion for the interaction design and all the related fields.
We form an interdisciplinary team that will be able to take care of all the aspects of the conference.
Jan-Christoph Zoels
Roberta Bianco
Roberta believes that innovation is the best resource for companies to grow and differentiate from competition. To help Continuum’s clients, Roberta works with them to identify the best innovation strategy drawing from her interdisciplinary background that spans management, communication and branding.
At Continuum, Roberta is responsible for the Milan office and she thinks that working with European companies is a very challenging and thrilling opportunity.
Prior to joining Continuum, Roberta worked at Reputation Institute, where she had led projects in the field of branding and corporate reputation for multinationals based in Italy. Previously, Roberta worked at Value Partners, an international management consulting company, leading the primary and secondary research department.
Roberta earned a BD in History at the Milan University.
Michele Aquila
Program Leader of the Master in Interaction Design and Interim Program Leader of the Master in Service Design of Domus Academy.
In 2011 he founded U10, a studio specialised in new media and online publishing and then launched Tweetbook, an online service to publish ebook based on Twitter conversations, awarded by Telecom Italia with the Working Capital Innovation Award and finalist at the first edition of the Twitter Fiction Festival in 2012.
From 2006 to to 2011 he has been partner and project leader of Interaction Design Lab Srl and taught and gave lectures in several design schools in Italy and abroad: Domus Academy, NABA and IED in Milan; Virginia Commonwealth University, Doha; Kent State University, Florence; Royal College of Arts, London.
From 2008 to 2010 he worked in NABA first as BA Design Program Coordinator, then as BA Design Project Coordinator, being responsible for the extra-curricular projects with external institutions (Triennale di Milano, Material ConneXion) and companies (Orange Telecom, Eni, Tupperware).
He gained a Master Degree in Architecture at the University of Florence in 2005.
Fabrizio Lo Presti
Fabrizio is an enthusiast innovation designer. His passion led him 10 years ago from his beloved hometown of Rome to the vibrant capital of the italian design scene, aka Milan. Born interaction designer he fell in love with design thinking 4 years ago developing an insane interest for innovation design and related disciplines - he has just become a LEGO Serious Play workshop facilitator!
User Centred Design evangelist, collaborative and lean design strategies enthusiast, he loves to spend time ideating and testing the right tools to design better digital products. Fabrizio is currently leading the User Experience team in an international consulting firm which makes him travel through europe and middle east. Fabrizio gives lectures on design, goes running and cooks a really good risotto in the spare time.
Simone Costagliola
Simone is a young UX/UI designer based in Milan with a strong interaction and game design background.
A fresh member of IxDA community, he is currently writing his Master Degree thesis in Communication Design and hard working as Interaction Designer in Havas Milan.
His research and dedication for data visualization have brought him to win a "Kantar Information is Beautiful" Award.
His next steps will be exploring new technologies and designing "phygital" experiences.
Gabriele De Gennaro
Adventurous and motivated designer with extensive experience in UX design. Likes to analyze user data to identify problems and solutions.
He believes in the power of prototypes: from wireframe paper to super-interactive prototype. He immediately became passionate about UX writing.
Expert Motiongrapher. Expert certified Adobe since 2008 among the various work experiences he has also worked in the VFX field he is a professor in several Masters. He loves all team sports. Huge fan of Hick's law.